Good Monday morning, WABBLES, and happy MLK Day! We’ve got some bitterly cold temperatures on the menu to kick off the latter half of January, because winter isn’t anywhere near over just quite yet. The good news is that this second arctic blast of the season isn’t expected to last quite as long as our first one, and that we don’t have any stressful winter storms lined up to take advantage of the cold. But with temperatures this low, it doesn’t matter if snow’s coming or not: you’re going to want to be thoroughly bundled up for the next several days! Let’s go through it all together in today’s weather blog!

Today’s Forecast
The story to start the week is all about the cold, as you might have already guessed! We’re starting off the week with early morning low temperatures in the single digits, and are only planning on warming up into the upper-teens and low-20s this afternoon. A brisk northwest breeze will drive wind chills down for most of the morning, but is expected to back off a little bit as we get into the afternoon and evening hours. Which will be just in time for our temperatures to drop back down into the low-teens overnight tonight, setting us up for another repeat day of brisk winds and freezing cold temperatures on Tuesday!

When Does the Cold End?
I’m sure we all want to know! The good news is that we begin to see temperatures push out of freezing territory by Thursday and Friday, though it may be a bit slow to occur. We’re back with highs near the upper-30s and low-40s by Friday afternoon regardless, and we’ll continue to warm up near 50 degrees over the weekend as the area of high pressure that’s been keeping us cold and dry finally begins to erode. We’ll get some long-awaited warm air advection out of the south, but this may also set us up for some rainy precipitation to close out the weekend; we’ll keep an eye on it, of course!

Otherwise, between now and early next week, we’re expecting things to remain quite chilly and extremely dry. We won’t have enough moisture in our atmosphere to support any sort of rainy or wintery system until temperatures warm back up over the weekend, so priority number one for this week should just be staying bundled up! Those breezy winds will continue as well, meaning feels-like temperatures in the early mornings for the next several days may even dip down into the negatives. Make sure you’re taking care of yourselves, WABBLES!

That’s about all we’ve got for you today, folks! Please make sure you’re taking appropriate cold weather precautions out there. Keep those pets inside and run those faucets a little, if you can! We’ll be back later this week with another blog covering what to expect when we warm up, but if you’d like to hear from us before then, you’re in luck- we love posting all the latest forecast updates on our Twitter page, so if you haven’t already, go check us out!
Otherwise, stay safe out there WABBLES, and we’ll see you again very soon. Take care!