Good Monday morning, WABBLES! We’ve got another wonderful week of fall weather on its way as the holiday rapidly approaches! Expect a beautiful start to an exciting last few days of October, but the warmth and mild, calm weather won’t last forever; rain returns to the forecast just in time for Halloween, which may make trick-or-treaters see a few more tricks than treats this year. We’re going through all of it together in today’s weather blog!

Today’s Forecast
Despite some of the wilder weather we expect to see a little closer to the holiday, we’ll have a gorgeous day today to kick off the final week of October across the WABBLES region. Expect to see those high temperatures peak close to 80 degrees this afternoon, with little cloud cover and lots of warm sun to help get us there.

We’ll dip back down into the mid-60s overnight, which is just a tad warmer than we’ve seen recently, with some of our local overnight lows having reached the upper-30s and mid-40s over the last several days. We’re expecting this warmer, dryer pattern will continue through Wednesday afternoon, so if we’ve got some readers planning to attend the WKU home football game (or the Flo Rida concert) on the 30th, you’re in luck!

Nice Week… but what About Halloween?
And this is where we might have to be the bearer of bad news, y’all. As it stands right now, we’re actually eyeing a frontal system that’s likely going to move through the region on Thursday afternoon, bringing with it some scattered to widespread showers (and maybe even a few embedded rumbles of thunder) to the forecast for the holiday.
Because we’ve been so warm this week, it’s allowed our local atmosphere to collect some moisture and some small amounts of local instability; so when this large, sweeping cold front makes its way into WABBLES on Thursday afternoon, we’ll unfortunately have more than enough resources to support some heavy rain and isolated embedded thunderstorms into the evening hours on Halloween night.

While this might not totally ruin Halloween, it’ll definitely put a damper on some outdoor plans until the rain’s moved on out of our area. Earlier trick-or-treating might be a good compromise, because WABBLES may not see clear skies return until close to midnight on the 31st, and the passing cold front will do exactly as you’d expect it to: it’ll cool us down a LOT going into the first of November! If you’re planning to be out and about on that candy hunt, just keep our forecast in mind and make sure to take whatever action is most necessary to guarantee the safety (and happiness!) of you and your family. We love y’all!

That’s about all we’ve got for you today, folks! Though the holiday forecast looks a little bit spooky at the moment, it’s good not to take these words as gospel, as we do have several days still left to go before rain chances re-enter our local forecast. Who knows? Any sort of details may change between now and then, and if we’re lucky, this passing cold front will arrive much slower than expected, and we’re able to fit in a full trick-or-treat extravaganza to close out October.
Rest assured, if anything at all changes with the forecast, you’ll be the first to know; so long as you’re keeping in touch with us here on the blog AND on our Twitter page, where we post daily updates and live stream your local WABBLES forecast every single morning to make sure you have the most accurate weather information at all times. Until we see you next, take care out there y’all, and happy Halloween!