Good Morning to everyone out there across WABBLES! I hope everyone has had a great start to the week so far with a quiet day yesterday. We have a few more days of quiet weather, but the biggest thing to note will be the warmer temperatures.

One Week to Halloween (Giphy)

Today – Thursday

Once again, high pressure will be the name of the game for the majority of the week keeping us quiet through Thursday. It will be centered over the Appalachians resulting in a nice pattern of all the weather going to the north of Kentucky.

High Pressure is our Friend (WPC)

More noticeable for everyone in WABBLES will be the above average temperatures from today into late this weekend. Every day temperatures will gradually ger warmer until the next cold front this weekend.

Some Nice Highs this Week (NWS LMK)

Friday – Sunday

Starting Friday, the high pressure will begin to break down slightly and migrate out of the area. This will bring back rain chances starting Friday and topping out in the Sunday-Monday timeframe.

Our Weekly Rain Right on Schedule (Tropical Tidbits)

By the end of this all, folks around WABBLES will be looking at .5″-1″ of total rainfall. Considering this is all spread over multiple days, this shouldn’t be too much of a concern for flooding.

Total Rainfall through Tuesday (Pivotal Weather)

That will be all for today folks! I hope everyone enjoys the weather out there and stays safe. For the latest on the upcoming rain chances, follow us on our social media pages @wxornotBG.

Have a blessed day!