Top of the morning to ya, WABBLES! Let’s dive into the weather forecast for the upcoming days, where we’ll see some interesting changes. Summer’s last stand will make way to a major transition, taking us from warmth to chilly days.

Today: Increasing Clouds, Toasty Afternoon

As we kick off this Wednesday, expect to see increasing clouds as our next weather system approaches from the west. This morning’s satellite view captures this nicely:

from warmth to chilly days

Despite the cloud cover, temperatures will soar well above average for this time of year, reaching the mid-80s this afternoon. It’s like having a warm and cozy blanket of clouds, but with a toasty surprise underneath.

Pattern Change: Thursday into Friday

The real excitement begins Thursday into Friday with a significant pattern change. A robust cold front will sweep through the region, bringing with it scattered rain and storm chances. The latest NAM3km paints a damp picture from roughly mid morning Thursday into Friday:

from warmth to chilly days
via pivotal weather

Brisk northwest winds will also be present, making for not-ideal-conditions in the outdoors. This is nature’s way of saying, “Time to cool things down.” I think we can all agree…it’s about time! The below-average readings should hang around for the next 6-10 days, as the latest CPC Outlook illustrates:

from warmth to chilly days
via Climate Prediction Center

Chilly Weekend Ahead

Once that cold front does its job, you’ll feel a major cold snap settling in for the weekend. Highs on both Saturday and Sunday afternoon are expected to be in the upper 50s to low 60s, with a northwest breeze howling at 15-30 mph at times. At times, it’ll feel colder as a result. When we posted the following last night, we meant it…

Frost Alert: Protect Your Plants

With overnight lows dipping down into the 30s both Saturday and Sunday night, there’s a possibility of patchy frost development. If you have sensitive vegetation, it’s time to take action and protect your plants. It’s like tucking them in with a warm blanket for the night.

In summary, WABBLES is in for a weather pendulum swing through the remainder of the week, altering from warmth to chilly days. Today, expect increasing clouds, but enjoy the warm afternoon. Brace yourselves for a pattern change Thursday into Friday, with a strong cold front bringing rain chances, along with a few rumbles of thunder. Afterward, get ready for a chilly weekend with the potential for frost. So, stay prepared, stay warm, and protect your plants as we navigate this changeable weather ahead! Keep up with the latest hyperlocal weather info for WABBLES right here —> @wxornotBG!