We’ve kicked off this Wednesday under damp circumstances; very similar to how we left off our Tuesday. Since midnight, some of our fellow WABBLErS have received copious amounts of the wet stuff, with Simpson Co registering over 2″! The good news is that this active day will lead into improving conditions.

Active Day WILL Lead into improving conditions
WABBLES rainfall since midnight

severe threat today

A cold front is plowing in from the northwest, providing the needed lift to get activity going across a large portion of the region this morning. We do have a severe threat in play this afternoon & evening, however, we’ll need to pay close attention to the skies through early afternoon to gauge how susceptible the threat will be.

The ongoing shower and storm activity could help mitigate our risk, with extensive cloud cover not allowing our atmosphere to recover. Sunshine helps aide in instability, so the longer we stay cloudy, the better off we are.

If we get periods of sunshine that do break out, we’ll need to be prepared for the potential of strong/severe storms developing. Here’s how the HRRR thinks activity will play out from noon today through 4am Thursday. It’s not impressed…

Active Day WILL Lead into improving conditions
via Pivotal Weather

The given environment will support the potential for damaging winds and perhaps an isolated instance or two of large hail. The SPC graphic below provides their current probabilities of ‘x’ occurring within 25 miles of you as the storms move through. You have a 5% probability of a damaging wind event occurring, given the latest outlook:

via SPC

sweet relief follows

Following the passing of the cold front (along with our severe weather threat) this evening, winds will turn out of the northwest. This will provide sweet relief for all of WABBLES, lowering temperatures and humidity beginning Thursday, lasting all the way through the weekend.

Highs will locate between the upper 70s/low 80s, with dewpoints ranging from the mid 50s to low 60s throughout. If you’re heading to root on the TOPS Saturday, tailgaiting conditions will be immaculate.

That’s it for this morning’s update. As always, keep up with the latest right here —> @WXorNOT! Stay safe, folks!