Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope everyone has had a great week so far, even with the rather chilly temperatures out there. Although Spring officially started yesterday, will we be seeing more of spring or winter weather?
![Winter Spring GIF](https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExeWZhdmlsc251eTR4Nno1eXB1a2FoOGY1aWtuNjNwZm1tc3MwZjRseSZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/9Rao3TXijBkzK/200.gif)
NEar Term
From today until Friday night, we will remain free from rain chances thanks to some suitable high pressure across WABBLES.
Although we will be free from rain for a little while, we will see a couple of frontal passages which will make our temperatures play hot potato. Oh boy, this should be fun with spring one day and winter-like the other.
The rain chances Friday night doesn’t look too overly impressive, but it will likely pack just enough rain to be a nuisance.
By Saturday Afternoon, high pressure will build back into the WABBLES region keeping any more rain chances at bay.
Long Term – Spring?
Looking at temperatures in the 8-14 day timeframe, WABBLES can expect near normal to just below average temperatures. With this being technically Spring now, the average temperatures around WABBLES is in the mid-60s. So I would expect around or just below that as we go into April.
That will be all for today folks! I hope everyone has a great day out there and enjoys the weather. I encourage everyone to visit our social media accounts @wxornotBG for the latest!
Have a blessed day!