A good and chilly morning to everyone, WABBLES! Temperatures have been super chilly lately, but are beginning to warm up within the next few days, just in time for some weekend fun! I hope everyone had a great Halloween, but it’s officially Turkey Month!

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Chilly Start To The Morning
Currently it is a crisp 36 in Bowling Green, and bright and sunny according to multiple of our skycams. Today will remain sunny and relatively nice, aside from the cold temperatures. We’ll gradually warm up into the mid 50’s in the afternoon, and then drop back down into the night. Aside from this, nothing else will be occurring for the WABBLES region.

Gradually Warming Temps
Tomorrow will be slightly warmer than today, as high pressure begins to engulf the area even more.

Yet another sunny day in store for us to launch the first weekend of November, with highs finally reaching back into the 60’s. All models indicate gradual increase in temperatures over the weekend, including lows finally reaching out of the 30’s.

Saturday we can expect low’s finallu back into the 40’s and highs reaching the upper 60’s. Nature almost wants to get back in the 60’s but is just shy. Those winter like temperatures have started to show their face recently, and looks like fall is creeping back. High pressure will maintain its area over us into roughly the beginning of next week, when rain cahnces will start back up. Until then, we can expect a surplus of sunny skies and warming temps!

That’s all for today, WABBLES! Enjoy the nice skies and fair weather while it lasts, because before we know it, winter will come! I hope everyone has a great day, and don’t forget to follow our other platforms for weather updates, commentary, and more!