Good morning and Happy Thursday WABBLES! I like my salsa how I like my temperatures: MILD. This is exactly what is in store for us today and heading into the weekend as well. Get ready for another hilltopper game weekend, as we have perfect conditions for a perfect game.

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Taco Thursday Special?
Having Taco Thursday instead of the typical Tuesday? Maybe opt for an outdoor picnic or table outside and enjoy the weather! Highs today are only expected to be near 80, with much drier air from the cold front last night. Skies will be much clearer today and have a slight post-frontal breeze, making walking outside much more convenient.

Dew points will remain near the 60’s, further implying the drier air in comparison to the past few days. However, with temperatures in the night, we can expect a few clouds due to ambient and dew point temperatures being relatively close to each other. The next few days, temperature lows and highs will remain near the same, which is actually below average for the month of September in max temperatures!

In other words, WABBLES will be experiencing quiet weather for today and throughout the weekend as well. We finally get a break from the humidity and heat again! Others aren’t so lucky…
Other Weather News
We can consider ourselves lucky, because many other states West of us are experiencing heat waves! Texas had declared an emergency yesterday due to concerns of a blackout from an overage of AC usage. In attempts to battle this problem, they had initiated “Energy emergency alert #2,” which means they would put controlled outages while struggling with higher demands of energy.

Texas temperatures recently have been in the triple digits, with low temperatures being in the 80’s! That’s our high temperature for today in comparison. Texas, y’all okay? Seriously though, I hope they get some mild temperatures soon!
No, There’s Not A Category 6 Hurricane.
For those of you on tiktok and twitter, there’s been some unqualified people spreading misinformation about Hurricane Lee, and how big it is expected to become. To put the rumors to rest, there is no such thing as a category 6 hurricane. In fact, the highest category is a 5 on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

It’s harmful to spread misinformation to the public about such events that eventually lead to mass hysteria. While it is too early to tell if Lee will hit the eastern states, it is forecasted to become a major hurricane around a category 4. Lee just became a hurricane in the Atlantic yesterday, and continues to rapidly develop. This being said, it is possible for the eastern beaches to experience flooding due to changing water levels from the Hurricane pushing through the Atlantic. As of now, nothing significant or affecting us WABBLES!

That’s all for today my fellow WABBLErS! Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts, and check on your friends in Texas to make sure they aren’t melting like a popsicle! Also a heads up if you want some cool weather chicken merch, don’t forget our first shirt drop closes out Friday, so hurry and get before it ends! Remember to follow our social media below for more recent weather updates, memes, and more! Have a great Thursday, Go Tops!